What was our first stop as we left Brant Lake driving west? SENECA FALLS
We drove through the center of the burned over district of upstate New York where some of the great social movements of the 19th century were born -- religious revivalism of the Second Great Awakening, abolitionism, the temperance movement, and the women’s rights movement.
The first Women’s Rights Convention was organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Mary Ann M’Clintock and Martha Wright in Seneca Falls, NY.
Photos include -- WESLEYAN CHAPEL, where Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a 33 year old mother of 3 addressed 300 persons and issued her Declaration of Women’s Rights -- “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men AND WOMEN, are created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” It was heady stuff for 1848!
A bronze statue showing FREDERICK DOUGLAS, a former slave and leading abolitionist, standing steadfast with Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
The STANTON HOME for her family of nine along the Cayuga-Seneca Canal.
Great Post! So happy to be reading about your travels on YOUR blog.